Tag Archives: Catchmaster Moth Traps

Able Catch Moth Traps – Buy Now

Real Results Able Catch Pantry Trap

We’ve heard the requests: Please Sell Able Catch Moth Traps….
And now we ONLY sell Able Catch Pantry Pest Traps….
This premium pheromone moth trap features a single wrap agricultural grade pheromone lure, larger trap surface, and wings to suspend the trap above your crowded pantry shelf…
Buy here, for less.

CatchMaster Moth Traps – revised 2014 |In-STOCK

CatchMaster Moth Traps - revised 2014 |In-STOCK 1

Catchmaster has updated the package design for Pantry Pest Moth Traps so you can easily identify new traps with FRESH PHEROMONE LURES.. Skip the old orange and yellow design, and choose the Red Package for the best results.