Roof Cleaning Results... Rinsing

Cleaner Roof in 30 minutes!

Application & Rinsing : Secrets to roof cleaning results

How you Apply and Rinse a ANY Roof Cleaner affects results.
You can choose how you apply and rinse based on
different parts of your roof and how accessible they are.




Apply From:

Gutter Level

Gutter Level


Rinse Technique

Rain Renew
No Rinse

Spray / Flush

Within 6″ of Stain


3 Months

3 Weeks

30 minutes!

Roof Cleaner
To Choose


Results driven by your decisions:
The roof cleaner does its job quickly, but the biggest impact to seeing a clean roof, is how you rinse the roof stains away. 

Today’s roofs may require you to use multiple application techniques, as well as rinse techniques. 
Those STEEP pitched areas may only allow you to apply from the gutter line and
rinse with a spray; those areas may take 3 weeks to improve, where as a cleaner roof can be had in 30 minutes, when applied on the roof, and rinsed within 6″ of the stains. 


  • Roof cleaning costs under 3 cents a square foot, vs $3.00 for a new roof, you save money!
  • Cleaner TODAY wants you to know the truth about results you can expect from roof cleaning
  • No-rinse technique works, but results take longer (true of ANYONE’s product)
  • We believe educated consumers are our best references
  • Shop around with this knowledge…
    • of course remember that you learned it here
    • confirm that we have the best prices
    • You can’t buy a stronger formula than QSE
    • we carry 2 formulas so you can have 1 stop shopping

Best results, 30 minutes, On the roof.
This technique is the best way to clean your roof.  You will need to be on the roof, and take proper safety precautions.   Being on the roof allows better control over where the roof cleaning product is applied, and allows stubborn roof stains removal with an aggressive rinse.  There are many roofs that may be too steep, for these you’ll need use the ‘Better’ or ‘Good’ approach.  .
you can use a pump up garden sprayer, soak the shingles, and wait 20 minutes.
Use an adjustable spray garden hose, Low pressure washer 80/10 tip, or water broom.  Rinse stains directly, stubborn stains can have jet of water knock them loose.   Stains easily broken free from the shingles. 


Better results, 3 weeks, from the gutter line.
There are many
roofs that may be too steep to get on directly, for these you’ll need work from a ladder at gutter level. 
technique allows you to get the roof cleaning chemical in place and will stop the growth of roof stains, but without a direct rinse the stains will take a while to wash away, the more rain, the less thick stain, all factor into exactly how long to wash away.  The key is, the stain will no longer grow, vs doing nothing, this a better option. 

You can use a pump up garden sprayer with an extension arm, backpack sprayer or a hose-end sprayer/foamer that can deliver a 12oz / gallon dilution, with a 1/2 gallon tank.  This is not a standard (miracle grow) type sprayer, be very careful selecting a sprayer, over dilution, or too small a container will NOT WORK.
Use an adjustable spray garden hose, Low pressure washer 80/10 tip rinses will be effective on most stains, but stubborn stains will take more time.   Rinse stains as directly as possible, water brooms are Very effective, because they get within 6″ of the stain. 

Good results, 3 months, Rain Renew / No Rinse
This technique is the same as BETTER, approach with the exception that you don’t rinse.
gutter level.  
We include this because many competitors focus on a No-Rinse option, while it will work, it will take plenty of time.  The cleaner certainly does its job, the stain will not grow, but without rinsing, the residue will take a while to rinse with the rain.  Depending on frequency and intensity of rain.
can use a pump up garden sprayer with an extension arm, or a hose-end
sprayer/foamer that can deliver a 12oz / gallon dilution, with a 1/2
gallon tank.  This is not a standard (miracle grow) type sprayer, be
very careful selecting a sprayer, over dilution, or too small a
container will NOT WORK.

Do nothing.  Over time, and rainstorm the stain residue will continue to wash away.

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